Learning about edge computing with Glitch and Fastly

We’re working on a series of learning experiences on edge computing where we’ll walk through enhancing your website UX with Glitch and Fastly. First up we have an intro to what edge computing is all about:

Stay tuned for some new Glitch projects where you’ll learn how to use Fastly Compute to create new kinds of user experience…


I am back with another instalment in this series asking where this edge is…


Now for the fun stuff, we have a new Glitch project and tutorial to walk you through customizing your site UX with a Fastly service in a few minutes. The Compute app adds a few enhancements at the edge:

:earth_africa: Geolocation info
:warning: Error handling
:closed_lock_with_key: Password protection
:sewing_needle: Synthetic content

Check out the demo:

Follow along in Glitch:

Or in the Fastly docs:

And tell us how you got on… :mega:


questions about the password example

  1. is there a way to put the password in .env or similar
  2. is there a way to prevent people from going to the glitch URL directly to bypass the authorization

I’m aware glitch has a premium feature to make projects private


For storing the password I guess you could use one of the Fastly data store options…? Guide to those here (think you’d want a secret store):

This is obvs a kind of daft lofi example but we do have some more legit edge authentication examples here:

For stopping access to the origin yeah you would need to implement that in your app, there isn’t a way to do it on Glitch out of the box apart from the private projects as you mentioned, but you wouldn’t be able to bypass that at the edge (I suspect this lightweight pattern might be used more in cases where the origin is on a cloud service at a URL people wouldn’t ordinarily be visiting…)