Please update some the Slack Bots šŸ¤–


Both of the following have out of date readmeā€™s, there a little difficult to follow since Slacks changes of terminology and shuffling around of various configuration options:
ā€¢ ~slack-bot
ā€¢ ~slack-bot-persist
(:point_up:t3:Obfiscated URLs as I can only post two links because Iā€™m a forums n00b here :rofl:)

The Slack Glitch app aka is currently not functioning as expected, I installed the app ā€œas isā€ from Slack dot com and have not remixed it

I could remix and update these myself, but that doesnā€™t help others so is there a process for requesting and/or pushing changes and updates back to the original Glitch project so that everyone benefits from the updates?




They do like to move things around! Iā€™ve updated slack-bot and slack-bot-persist - thanks for the heads-up.

Whatā€™s not functioning as expected with solid-tugboat? I tested it but it seemed to be working fine for me.

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