Random Lorem Ipsum Generator - Feedback Wanted

Project URL: https://glitch.com/~jfx1026-johnhughes-loremipsum

This is my first real coding project and my first javascript effort with any originality. I’m hoping to release this very soon. Since I’ve never done a code release project (I’ve done many art and design projects) – I’d love to know what’s missing, what doesn’t make sense and if there is code that is horribly off. It does work, so that’s something. It’s far from perfect and could be better.

What is it? The random lorem ipsum generator grabs random text from a predefined text file (in JSON format). You can specify the number of sentences or paragraphs that you would like to generate. My example has two options. A simple one, with one text file and a more complex one with 5 text files (movie scripts) which also grabs a new CSS file to match the movie.

I’m fine with this going out less than perfect. I’d love to share this and let others improve upon it. But, I still have some ideas of making it better, but rather than delay (which I’ve been doing for WAY too long on this) I’d rather get it out there.

All feedback is a gift - please and thank you.


Needs actual Lorem Ipsum into it, and you should probably filter out the swearings. Other than that it looks good.

This is more of a personal preference than anything else (so follow your own heart on what to implement), but one thing users might find helpful would be the ability to generate lorem ipsum based on word count – I often find that I really just need a big block of text to take up space, as opposed to a certain number of sentences, which often have variable length. Also, what are your thoughts on adding a copy button so that users can copy text to their clipboard?

This is a great project, congrats!! :tada:

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I like the idea of movie scripts to distinguish your site from the many other generators. You could extend to public domain literature.

The presentation could do with more separation (shadow borders?) between the text and the background image, for example here the background and text merges too much …



Wow, I should really tell my friends to use this for their Ui design.
Overall everything was good but the only problem is sometimes it generates weird phrases like

also there’s a bit of readabiltiy issue when I scroll up and “select movie” blends in with the background

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Some of that is really just exactly from these movie scripts–so, yeah it’s weird but accurate.
The drop down menu gets weird sometimes and doesn’t display the movie you are on. I don’t really know why it does that.