This project has received too many requests, please try again later

This project has received too many requests, please try again later.

How to solve? I’m just working actively on my project lol.

Thanks in advance!

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Hey @JonasTheGamer you need to take steps to limit the number of requests your project is receiving; that message indicates your project is being rate limited per the technical restrictions.

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Yep, I have been getting these messages as well today and it is seriously annoying!

I’m trying to do research on complex development frameworks. There are a few web/api requests, but come on, it’s completely reasonable for a single person doing development.

Glitch was an amazing platform to develop on, but it can’t be taken seriously if I’m going to be forced to go grab a coffee every hour (or so).

I guess that will be my queue to switch over to the Google platform (even if there will be a tiny cost).

Hey @Jeach I’d love to hear more about what you were doing that triggered these rate limit responses. 4000 requests per hour is around a request a second averaged over the hour and I have yet to run into that limit during my normal development workflow. itself is running on Glitch and doesn’t hit that many requests when I’ve looked at it.

Have you run into this problem on other projects aside from the research project you mention? Is there a project name you’d be willing to share? If we’re missing a workflow when we’re doing planning around these limitations it would be good to know, but we don’t see that many rate-limited projects.

Hello cori,

I’ve simply been building an application on top of Angular.js (yes, the old one). I like to develop experimental frameworks and stuff like that.

When I start designing things, I don’t usually focus on optimizations or performance. I just do it and when I like what I see, I will then optimize and enhance performance.

I think the real issue at the moment is that your editor essentially triggers a complete restart of the project every single time I make a single change. So while I’m programming for a minute, the project might start 30 or so times. And each time it starts, I can probably fetch 100 js, css, html files and make a dozen more REST API calls.

So after an hour or so (often less time), I will get the ‘too many requests’ error.

Yes I’m aware that I can disable that ‘constant reload’ functionality (or at least it was a feature back in the day).

As to your question on whether I ran into this type of problems on other projects. The answer is no because many of my other projects will not make as many requests to the backend. They are mostly “front-end bound” (if you will).

I thank you for your concern.


Hi @Jeach, it seems like what you need is a watch.json file. With that you can cofnigure which files trigger restarts and how often. You can even cancel autorestart completely. Stopping Glitch from restarting when you change certian files may go a long way, especially when used in concert with turning off Refresh App on Changes, which you’ve mentioned you’re aware of.


I don’t want to thread hijack, but exact same problem here. Was hoping to run a collaborative creative coding tool on here, but testing it now with a classroom of just 22 students, when everyone loaded the page, we almost immediately got this error message and the server stopped working.


I’m using Express, socketio – and to do the live-coding, I am refreshing a file called p5live_sketch.html everytime the person changes code to rebuild the project within an iFrame… but I’m surprised to hear this hit 4000 requests so fast.

Any idea what I could do to optimise this and not hit that limit?
And/or, where can I monitor those pings/requests etc happening while running to help debug the issue?

EDIT: just learned about ‘srcdoc’ attribute of iFrame to load an HTML block… maybe that’s a way to save on the request resources… still happy to hear other solutions… and if the rate limit request refers to each and every file requested not the general singular person visiting (with the page loading multiple files).

Hello @ffd8,
It seems that the website is back online, can you confirm this!

Also, I have took a look at your project and I think it is really cool, keep up the good work!

Hey @Callum-OKane – Yeah, just loaded it and it’s back on (earlier it was too after about 15+min of being down) – So after lunch I had just 12 of the students join the page (since I have this COCODING function, to play with p5.js together) – all was good for about 5minutes… then POOF – hit that request error… just changed code to only use p5.js libs if offline and reloading iframe via srcdoc to drastically drop requests… but happy for any ideas to try and techniques to monitor request/usage.

EDIT: found the ‘Container Stats’ tab, but would be even more helpful if it had a status bar for # of requests that reset each hour…

That would be a good feature! You can create a new topic in the category “Feature Ideas” and then people can vote for your idea and it could be implemented!

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Help! We are doing a 3-day coding camp with 35 students working in teams of 4-5 students per team. We’re getting this error a lot and are not able to preview web pages because of this error.

Students are making very simple html & CSS pages. There’s no way they’re loading anything more than 4000 times per hour. How can we fix this??

Hey @bendavis78 sorry for the bother! Have you tried the steps I suggested in This project has received too many requests, please try again later? If so can you provide a couple of project names that are running into the problem so we can take a closer look?

Thanks, @cori - apologies for my panicked comment :stuck_out_tongue:. We ended up remixing team projects into individual ones as a fix for the camp. I’ll take a look at your suggestions for the future and do more testing next time before diving into a new coding session with students.

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With multiple students, how about using git?

Idea: Each student makes a remix of a base project and updates through git from the parent. Some scripts save typing.

I glitched a demo, and the flow worked. But my only testing team was me and myself…

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Hey @checkered-rabbit, thanks for the alternative solution.

We are taking a look to see how we can improve this behavior. I’m not sure exactly when we’ll see a fix in the wild, but we’ll try to let everyone know when we published it.

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Hi all,
I’m teaching a creative coding class that’s really leveraging the power of Glitch to support collaborative coding. Last year it worked great!
This year I’m using the same methodology, but getting lots of these “Too many requests” errors.
At first we had 16 people editing (and auto-reloading) the same file (simple project with only index.html, script.js, and style.css. No backend). Got the error.
Then we split in half, so 8 people editing (and auto-reloading) the same file. Got the error.
Then when we split off into pair programming. So there were 2 people editing a simple project. Some of THEM were even getting the error.

We had them turn off the “Refresh App on Changes” feature, but I can’t imagine there’s any way they were hitting the 4000 requests/hour limit, within 10 minutes, with two people editing one file.

Do you think the fact that there was LOTS of Glitch activity, coming through one wireless access point, or multiple projects remixed off a single project, might be causing all the requests to be pooled or something?

I’m kind of at a loss, as this is a fantastic tool for education, but I might need to find less awesome alternatives if I can’t figure out how to resolve this effectively.


Hey there!

As far as I know, editing the project doesn’t count as a request. Did one of your students maybe send the app a lot of requests through it’s front end url?

Could you possibly send us a screenshot of the error occurring and what steps they took to achieve it?
