Unable to access the Glitch console and logs in VSCode

Alright so, I just started using the VSCode extension, logged in and stuff.
I was going to make a command, then I had to check a few errors, but I couldn’t check them inside the VSCode application.
I literally had to open the project on my web browser to actually find out what the error was.
I was checking a bit around in VSCode and searched around on the forums, but I didn’t really find anything that could help.
Basically my problem is that I can’t access the console and logs in VSCode. The Terminal only gives me PowerShell and logs gives nothing at all.

Hey @Aprixia thanks for trying the extension!

I think the information you’re looking for is available in VS Code. You can access it in two ways:

  1. using the VS Code command palette look for Glitch: Show Logs
  2. using the application’s View menu, select Output, and use the source dropdown to select your project name (I’m not sure if that’s what it’s really called but I couldn’t find a reference for its name, but it’s this one image

Hope this helps, and let us know if you run into further problems!

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Oh yes, thank you, solution number 2 worked perfectly, I didn’t even realize about it.
Oh and, another thing while I am here, VS Code has crashed like 3 times today while I was programming on the project.

I understand it if it is the extension considering it is such a early beta right now; just thought I would report it.

I’m glad that helped!

As far as the error report is concerned, thanks for that as well. If you’d like to help out even more you could zip up the files in the folder shown by using Command Palette > Developer: Open Logs Folder and sending them to support@glitch.com - we’ll only use the info contained therein (which will tell us a lot about your VS Code environment ands what other extensions you’ve installed) for troubleshooting this issue.

I only got the glitch extension installed, but I will do it either way