404 error with edgeapp link

Hey, I added my custom domain in glitch but when I opened the edgeapp link, it says not found. Here’s the link: 14pqdz2nyk2z8no3.preview.edgeapp.net

it should be like that. Only DNS can access that without “not found” i think :smiley:

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Yep that sounds right.

Even though if I add a CNAME then also my website’s not working.
It says not found www.gamespeck.tk

Interesting. Try getting a new edgeapp url or contact support.

What did you write in the Name field?

How to get new link?


Go to the custom domains section and submit a new subdomain on your domain.
Screenshot 2020-03-01 at 12.57.24 PM

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But why would I add a sub domain?
Edit: I got another link and yes it works now! So how can I get HTTPS in my site?
Edit 2: Used this script and got HTTPS:
<script> if (location.protocol != 'https:') { location.href = 'https:' + window.location.href.substring(window.location.protocol.length); } </script>

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