API and Open Source learning project

Project URL: https://glitch.com/edit/#!/api-learner

Hello everyone! :wave:

With this project my aim is to help people learn a little about REST APIs and open source / the git contribution process at the same time. In the README you’ll find a tutorial on adding a new endpoint to an existing API.

The API is hosted on Glitch, with the code managed via GitHub. This is the basic process the tutorial walks learners through:

  • Fork the repo on GitHub
  • Import the fork into Glitch
  • Add a new endpoint and test it in Glitch
  • Export the new endpoint to the GitHub fork (via the Glitch branch)
  • Open a pull request to merge the new endpoint into the original GitHub repo
  • (See your addition in the original Glitch app once merged)

For a long time I’ve wanted to explore the idea of using open source contribution as a more supported learning pathway for coding skills. Often I find contributing to existing open source projects requires a skill level that prevents people who are new to tech from getting involved. This project is my first attempt at building a learning pathway for coding skills via open source contribution - all feedback is much appreciated so please let me know what you think! :mega:

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Blogged about helping new coders contribute to open source re this project… :grimacing:

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