ASCII characters throw error in Glitch editor

Not a breaking error, but kind of annoying.

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This annoyed me so much when creating the first version of learn code. Prettier and “Syntax errors.”

You could replace it with an html entity code e.g. &lt; becomes <. You can find a list of entity codes at or I couldn’t find one that looked exactly like yours, the closest I could get was &zeta; (ζ), but if you use search in page then I’m sure you’ll be able to find it. Entity codes won’t bring up any suntax errors and are supported across all browsers.
Happy Glitching!

Edit: thanks for marking as the solution, but I completely misread the first post, because your & appeared to have a gap in it, I thought that was a special character :laughing:

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Try adding a semi colon after the entity code, like &#9661;.

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Ya, I know those things. Like adding extra spaces with &nbsp;

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Oh, it’s a downward facing triangle.
&xdtri; &bigtriangledown; &#x025BD; &#9661;
Screen Shot 2020-10-11 at 12.29.00 PM

Thanks for the suggestion!

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