Hello, I’ve been dealing with this in my project past days and still unable to utilize GitHub import that much.
I’m pretty sure that I wrote the correct repo name.
1.) So I made a new project, import my files from GitHub and worked like a charm. (successful on the first time.)
2.) The second time never works.
3.) And I even received error code 500 in the console. (like >POST [url] 500)
hey @klerikdust - sorry you’re running into this. can you let me know what your project and github repo is (feel free to dm me if you don’t want those public). i’ll check and see if i have the same issue.
ok so I was looking at the info of the failed request and in the response i see “mv: inter-device move failed: ‘/tmp/tmp.xxx/logs’ to ‘./logs’; unable to remove target: Directory not empty”.
the github repo you’re importing has /logs listed in .gitignore but the directory exists in that repo. If you have access to this repo, I think if you either remove /logs from the entire app or from .gitignore, you should be able avoid this conflict.