nothin’ huh?
node 16 is getting to be pretty unreasonable to work with lately, so it kinda sucks keeping up to date with packages that need to be consistently updated.
Yeah, a lot of more recent libraries don’t support anything lower than node 18 and it’s kinda annoying
glitch pls node 18
or maybe even node 20
@cori, any updates? hope next week comes soon.
so, node 16 is dead and dying. node.js killed it over a year ago, and big companies like AWS, Vercel, and Hubspot are scrapping it in January. heck, even replit uses node 20.
is an LTS node version going to roll out in January, or will Glitch become obsolete for people who want to do more than learn basic javascript?
is an LTS node version going to roll out in January, or will Glitch become obsolete for people who want to do more than learn basic javascript?
it will not, it is already obsolete
Hey all, for a general Node version update (this thread’s about the fallback version that gets used if you don’t explicitly specify a Node version), please see the Node versions on Glitch post, which (hopefully) explains why it looks like there’s no movement on updating Node versions to include the current LTS versions.