Glitch+ (Chrome Extension)

@TH3_UNKNOWN From what I remember, you need to extract the zip file and then select the folder it extracts into when adding the extension

Ik. I tried that, it did’t work…

I got it working! This is great.

(I edited cause it says I had to…)

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Hey, I tried to install this but then Google Drive said the file doesn’t exist.

I think I have a backup

Also the BLM bar was taken away at some point, I think.

I will try to look into that. I am not sure why it says that file doesn’t exist in my google drive…

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Ok, so I fixed the error, it was because of the description field missing in the manifest.json file.

  1. Download both the files from and place it in a folder.

  2. And then go to chrome://extensions and install extension through “Load unpacked” and choose the folder where all the files are located. And hopefully it should work.


Sorry guys, I will work on it as soon I will have some free time. Currently school work and a bunch of other work really prevents me from having enough free time to work on this.