Html commonjs db

html-db version: 0.0.1-AE-DEV-BETA

Project URL:!/html-db?path=package.json:13:99

If Project URL does not work, use the URL

works on:

  • Chrome
  • firefox
  • samsung internet
  • internet explorer
  • ethernet - internet explorer

my project is about an html database system, and it works much better than using fs, it is staged and configured using webpack and not hosted.

to help develop this very big project (across all languages glitch can run), we need some helpers, if you want to help out, come on every thursday at 12:00 PM EST and we will choose 5 users to assist in the project, this will occur each week, until august 21st, and then a different schedule will be given.
each user who helps out will be removed after the 1 week assistance period so no bad stuff happens in our good community of


as of july 15th:
* public license will by released
* community databases will be released
* unpkg client for database viewing released ?
as of august 21st:
* every tuesday at 3:25 PM EST 
* 6 users will be chosen to assist in the project
* the one week time will be cut down to only 5 days
* helpers will work on their sole part, and help no one else, unless the other user is working on the same thing as the helper
* sql servers will be up and running, so the database will always have a backup on a website 
* c++ will be fully implemented, and allow for the access to fs without errors

if you want to help suggest items, be sure to check the FIRST reply to this post, it will be edited often to give updates, and suggestions to assist us with.

all credit goes to the following users ( if you helped out, you will be mentioned here! ):
@cori @chroventer ( c++ issues with runtime )
@chroventer ( webview suggestion )

credit to foundations & companies:
NodeJS, the runtime we all love so much!
J-Tech Foundation, improving your tech of tomorrow,
and lastly, those kind staff at the glitch offices in nyc allowing us to host our scripts and bots and whatever we would like on their site!


  • i own J-Tech, anyone who does not follow GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Apache license 3.0 will be charged by fines from $250-$500
  • if you do not follow the 3.0 rules and regulations, the glitch team will also have a right to fine you a legal amount
  • J-Tech has a higher fine amount maximum due to cellular services and internet access altogether

yes, this is a “copy”, but this is my true account - Jonyk56

Seems like a cool project, keep up the work!

Side note: About your copyright, without actual legal documents (for the fining bit) you can get into serious trouble with authorities. Since your project is open source you should probably put something on the lines of “The source code to this project is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL). You are subject to the consequences of any license violations.”

@charliea21 sorry, project moved here
reason why, is because my alt account has to go through verification, so i have to wait awhile

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