Our team is looking into an issue that is causing some projects to load slowly. You can receive updates about this on our status page.
Our team is looking into an issue that is causing some projects to load slowly. You can receive updates about this on our status page.
I believe that this also involves the console, which runs on Glitch API.
The console and the editor worked fine for me
Mainly the loading time and the issues with the API of the project hosting are the main issues that I have.
The console is not broken for me its just very… slow.
Cute Pfp btw (I know this has no relevance but a comment)
Please delete the post before I flag it as off-topic!
Nah its fine. Thanks @coding_dylan
As far as I can see my projects are loading normally so i think the issue has been propagated for me
The glitch console runs on Xterm, a JavaScript package that allows SSH terminals to be embedded into your browser.
I expect it gets the source of some sort from the glitch API
starts to code a new script that could help prevent such things in the future!
This incident has now been resolved and projects should be loading now. Thanks for your patience!
Occasionally, when we have downtime like this, some projects can get stuck loading or suspended for “Error While Preparing” . If this happens to one of your projects, please contact us at support@glitch.com so we can re-open your project.
thank you for fixing this!
Bad news I think its happening again.
Yeah, the ping is a bit shaky.
yes, very well is…