Dear Glitch,
This is a bit unusual, but I just want to say, once and for all, THANK YOU, for such a great platform. I was having a small technical issue with my Glitch site (since resolved) and Googled the message board and saw some complaints about X, Y, or Z. I’ve worked in customer service before and I know it can seem like when a couple people have a complaint that it can seem like the whole world is complaining and then you start wondering whether you need to change things. Well, just so you hear the other side too, I wanted to say I LOVE your platform, it makes coding fun, and … yeah, that’s about it. Catching my syntax errors is great, the autosaving is great, the starter projects are great. Anyway, yeah, thank you for such an awesome platform for coding. I really enjoy using it. And that’s it for now. Have a good day!
Sincerely, Scott