Make chat rooms website

hello i am not a devloper but i want to make a chat rooms website can someone do it in glitch and let me remix it please with With an explanation of the code

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i want to make it when someone open the website see chat rooms like:
chat room 1
chat room 2
chat room 3

We can’t spoonfeed, but you can always read docs like @EddiesTech said.


OMG that is SOOO cool!

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what is the cool?

There’s also Texa Chat

its not working

What isn’t working? Seems to work for me.

the chatroom that @EddiesTech made. obviously.

no one help me thx

If you want people to code for you, is a good place to start.

um sorry to bump up the thread but it does work you gotta type in the thing and press enter

what do you ?

If you need another alternative, you can try my project, ansyble-remixable.
You can probably edit it to do that!

Do you have le Link for the site?

You can find it at!/ansyble-remixable!

okay thank you

Again, nobody needs a project with a different readme, you could have made a #tutorials post but no, you just added a few things to the, and you used a process.env var in a JSON file (a client one, which is manifest.json)

So the PWA won’t work

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