Hi! Sooo…I made my first project on glitch, a music playlist!(FINALLY)!
I will be styling it with CSS soon, but this is how it works!
Thanks to @code-alt and @aboutdavid and everyone who showed me how to upload music to glitch!
I am going to add this project to my website, so i hope you all like it! (And I hope you enjoy my website, too. Tell me if you do)
I appreciate all feedback, including negative feedback, on this project.
He means we wants to change songs without refreshing. When you try to change songs, you okay both songs at once. This is an example on how to fix that issue:
<script>window.player = new Audio();</script>
<button onclick="window.player.src = 'url/to/file.mp3';">Click to play song 1</button>
<button onclick="window.player.src = 'url/to/file.mp3';">Click to play song 2</button>
<button onclick="window.player.src = 'url/to/file.mp3';">Click to play song 3</button>
some of the songs won’t work, but i don’t see anything wrong with the code. how do i make code show up in a post so that you can see what I’m talking about?
ok, so this is how it looks: <li>Ah, It's a Wonderful Cat Life (by Kagamine Len and GUMI) <button onclick="window.player.src = ''s%20a%20Wonderful%20Cat%20Life%E3%80%8D%E3%80%90Len%20x%20GUMI%E3%80%91%5BENG%20SUB%5D.mp3?v=1606788799649';">Click me to Listen!</button></li><br><br>
Lol, my friend just showed me how to fix that 15 minutes ago. but thanks for your help. you’re just supposed to put a backwards slash before the apostrophe.