Recent Glitch in Bio Updates: Tell Us What You Think!

Hey everyone,

We recently did some pretty significant changes to our Glitch in Bio starter app and would love to hear all of your thoughts regarding them!

Besides adding in some additional icons to use, we made a switch to how templating is done and we now have instructions included on how to use your Glitch in Bio as your handle for BlueSky. We hope this all leads to a better experience in the end.

For a full list of changes you can visit the changelog within the project or view Keith’s post about them in the forum: Glitch in Bio 1.0!

Please use this thread to share what your thoughts are with us- thanks in advance!


it would be good to have official click-by-click upgrade instructions! :pray:


Working on moving my page over to the new version - will post more when I’ve gotten it done :slight_smile:

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alright I just went through the upgrade.

my situation: I set one up a long time ago, not really remembering what exactly I had done.

research: I knew how to use the terminal and git. pulled changes from upstream

git remote add template
git fetch template main:main
git log --oneline --graph --branches --decorate
git diff main...

my starting point had been from d67c3727085eb360b725e4a126c3808e83cf8088 (private github link if anyone reading is on the glitch team :person_shrugging: ), which is somewhere circa Version 0.0.2.

I had edited index.html, the “gallery” theme css, and filled in links in the settings.json


git merge main

conflicts in index.html and settings.json

index.html: seems pretty darned different. I only added on <script> tag, so I accepted changes from main and pasted my tag back in

settings.json: conflicts in links array and conflicts in social map

links: img fields are all annoyingly marked as changed in main due to added space in "img":"https://...""img": "https://...". I hate how much trouble this created.

social: at some point in time, the map got sorted, which created huge conflicts. I hate how much trouble this created too.

and then I found out after resolving these conflicts that Glitch had automatically committed stuff in the middle :skull: so it became total chaos

and some extra feedback, my bio page now has a service worker, but I’m opposed to every stupid webpage having a service worker :face_vomiting:

kind of an un-delightful experience, sorry to say :-1:

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Thank you for sharing all of this. We really do appreciate the feedback (good or bad) and we are definitely taking your points into account for some future changes and improving our workflows/git.

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