Small issues I run into while using glitch

staff has historically suggested that you open multiple browser tabs of the editor


this widget really makes it feel like they’re getting close though :crossed_fingers:

I get the feeling this is done to make sure people don’t get the impression that they can import non-github repos this way. I think it’s implemented with github’s git data api rather than actually git’s native methods

that… seems credible, sorry to say. remixing tends to put the new project on the same host as the original project. I think that’s intentional. when the new project is on the same host as the original project, Glitch can re-use the same dependencies from a shared volume (when using pnpm on supported nodejs versions).

might be a backwards compatibility thing. I think the starter projects from back then didn’t have an engines.node set, so upgrading the default might break projects created back then.

I actually quite like how ancient projects on Glitch often continue to work with no maintenance. it’s a little scary, but it’s cool. I’ve decided that I’ll be putting up with the need for an engines.node field :person_shrugging:

it’d be great to see them make changes based on the feedback here

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