Updates to Glitch's policy regarding private projects

Hey folks we just updated the help article around private projects and it includes a policy clarification around staff access to private projects that we didn’t want to slip under the radar.

tl;dr: we generally won’t access code in private projects without your express permission, but we reserve the right to access code for any project to troubleshoot service issues or investigate suspected ToS violations.

While staff could always access private projects by digging up a join token from the database we nearly always requested a join link when asked to help with a project and (extremely) rarely went into private projects without a specific invitation. We recently added a feature to Glitch that grants selected staff the ability to access private projects’ code without an invitation and wanted to clarify our policies around that new feature. We’ll still ask for permission when needed (aside from the above-mentioned caveats) but no longer require a join link - the name of your project will suffice.

Please let us know if you have any questions!


Hi @cori, I don’t see the option to make my project private under the ‘Share’ menu, as explained on that help article.

Ah found it, you now have to click your project name at the top. Could the help article get an update?