New and improved project sharing controls for Glitch subscribers!

Starting today, Glitch members with paid subscriptions can easily control who accesses their code and who sees live projects. Read more about it on the blog and check out our help center which may answers some of your questions!


Cool new feature!


Dear glitch developers, we are not satisfied with the update you brought as active users. We request that you withdraw the update immediately.

What do you not like about it? I think its quite neat.

Is it nice that everyone can access your private projects as they wish?

I guess so. But open source is the way of the future, and this isn’t a bad introduction.


:man_facepalming:You still have private projects. You don’t have completely private projects. You can’t make the url private. (At least that is how I see it.)

Hi there, the only people who can access your private projects are those you invite to the project! You can check out this doc in our help center for more info!

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No we don’t. Now we can’t even private our code unless we have Glitch Boosted.

It is located in the new share tab.

thieves have already started coming to my projects dude

Can we also have more Storage Space? I kind of wanna run a few applications that require a bit more storage space on Glitch like docusaurus as 400mb isn’t enough.

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I would also love more tiers! Maybe a la carte too.

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Hi there - if you see that folks have access to your projects that are marked as private already, please email with the name of the project so we can investigate!

the point is that code thieves steal our projects


If you use custom domains, people can’t find the name of your project.

not everyone is coding a website

What else would you be coding that doesn’t use a live link? If you are making bots, just don’t share the link.

The new update is very bad. Also @RiversideRocks everyone can reach your codes if it’s not private. We don’t want to make everyone can look to our codes.

Doesn’t a custom domain fix that? If your domain is, then I can’t find your code.