links broken?

I’m trying to keep my bot alive and whenever I visit the link, it just says OK instead of the starting project message. Project: antiuserbot1

Hey @Daksh777,

This usually happens when you have the following line of code in your server-side js:

app.get("/", (request, response) => {

Just change response.sendStatus(200); to res.sendFile(<YOUR INDEX.HTML PATH>)

EDIT: Can you make the project public for a while, so that I can take a look at the code and help you even more?

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Hey it’s a JavaScript bot. Why would I need to enter the index.html thing there?

No, actually, the OK is just a sign that the bot is working, unless you were expecting to see something else…

I told you to change it to res.sendFile(<YOUR INDEX.HTML PATH>) in case you had an index.html that you were expecting to see.

I don’t have any . HTML file because it’s a JavaScript bot.
Also the bot isn’t working even if it shows OK

Then, you messed up something in your code. Please provide your project’s name.

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The project name is antiuserbot1, but I’m guessing it’s set to private!

Yes it’s private. I’ll send you the invite link as I get back from work.

@Daksh777 It is not gonna update to if there is an error. It is for stuff like uptimerobot or awake.

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