GLIX: Custom domain manager for Glitch (TMP)


Recently I’ve seen a lot of people having trouble with their custom domains. I, therefore, decided to create a temporary program that lets me add/remove entries on the reverse-proxy. This means that if you want to be an early participant on Glix, you let me know!

When using this temporary method you will automatically become a user of Glix, and your domains will be manually verified by me, therefore, when Glix is released your account will be automatically merged and your domains will be verified by the time you account is created.

So far the process is pretty much the same as on Glitch, however, when you want to add / remove your custom domains you’ve got to tell me a few things first.

When adding a domain.

When you want to add a domain you simply DM me with the contents as following:


My name is <your name>, I’d like to add a domain to Glix.

My email is <your email address>.

I want to point <your domain> to <your project name>

For example:


My name is James, I’d like to add a domain to Glix.

My email is

I want to point to example.

When removing a domain

When you want to remove a domain you simply DM me with the contents as following:


My name is <your name>, I’d like to remove a domain from Glix.

My email is <your email address> and the domain is <your domain>

For example:


My name is James, I’d like to remove a domain from Glix.

My email is and the domain is

User data ownership

You own all your data, and can at anytime request to receive the information we store regarding your account and domains.


Why did you create another thread? @ihack2712

Because it is not completely related to the Glix project, however a temporary solution for people having custom domain issues on Glitch.

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Maybe you should give it a different project name to show the difference

Technically it is the same project, everything is linked an all, but there is no user interface, the only way to add / remove domains is through me. Which is why I added the (TMP) on the end of the title.

Sorry, but you kinda sound like a TV advert here:
Would have rather you approached it as a helpful project than a product.
(I didn’t flag btw)

I don’t mind the flag to the ones who flagged it, it was a poorly written post. I agree with you.

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??? Just a little typo here.

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Is this still possible ?

I just really cant seem to get my head around changing the “” ending of my live site to that of my domain, I have been lurking the support pages and everywhere. I did the steps from the help page and is of no avail.

Don’t think this is being operated anymore, use the Glitch custom domain manager.

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You are very much correct, the source code is still available somewhere, I just don’t actually have the time myself to do it atm with work and everything.