Hello Website starter project updates!

:wave:t2: We’ve made a few changes to the Glitch Hello Website starter project we wanted to share.

We’re aiming to make lots of enhancements to our starter projects this year to make them even more easy and fun for learning. As always, if you have any suggestions for starters please share them!

  • When you have the project open in the editor, clicking the link to the TODO in the preview will open the file. You’ll see the code for this in the script.js file – we’re planning on making more guided learning experiences in Glitch projects using this and other techniques coming soon… We’re excited to see what you in our community who use Glitch for teaching do with this too! :eyes:
  • The seo / social sharing meta tags in the HTML page have been removed by default. We’ve had feedback that these made the experience a bit overwhelming – this is a project that many people use as a first website, so we want to make it as accessible as possible! For now the tags are listed in the README if you want to add them back in, and soon we’ll post a tutorial on doing that right here in the forum. :roller_coaster:
  • Some of the code has been simplified to also better optimize the project for learnability. :school_satchel:
  • All of our starters will include a “Last updated” date in the README going forward. If you’re a regular starter project creator you can always use Rewind to see what changes have been added recently, but we thought having this info at a glance might help to flag up when we last updated a project (more relevant for full stack and generated static site projects with dependencies, but we’ll aim to keep the experience consistent across the board). :spiral_calendar_pad:

Feedback, concerns, hopes, dreams all welcome!


woa! I’m going to be looking into how this works. I tried to build something to do that too!


Nice! :sunglasses:

I have a variety of weird experiments in walking people through making edits and checking their code for completeness etc with updates in the preview, hopefully to be turned into something more sensible / reusable soon. :sparkles: