[MEGATHREAD] GlitchyPastePen - Create simple front-end projects using an online code editor with instant hosting

@ihack2712 ???

Nevermind, I misread your post, the free tier was actually quite generous, yes. I’d still just recommend buying a VPS with Contabo :wink:


Currently fixing bugs and at the same time adding new features, nobody use GlitchyPastePen right now as there are some EJS/server bugs I’m fixing right now. @random?

New update!

  • Fixed major backend problems involving EJS and server side fighting with each other for the GitHub user data.
  • Added a loader which disappears really fast (it disappears before you can even say “Wakanda forever”, you’re lucky if you happen to see it).
  • Fixed a lot of CSS bugs.
  • Fixed editor automatically switching to “Insert” mode.
  • Fix CSS bugs for the editor.

Kindly ignore a small settings icon in the footer of the editor, that was @random trying to get me to add items to the dropdown.

Next up, is a Vue rewrite.

Peace :v:


I’m very much pleased (and overjoyed) to inform you that the editor now has Intelligent code completion or IntelliSense or automatic code completion. Previously, we did add it to our Ace.js configuration, but because of not enabling “live code completion”, it did not work as we expected. Credit to @random for enabling and including the basic autocompletion plugin.


slight problem, cant delete projects

Ok, will check that out.

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@TurboBiscuit I was able to delete projects without any problems. If you face that issue again, can you check the DevTools for any errors?

This new look reminds me of Glitch…

And here’s a bug I experienced… Signed in and

Hey @anon69241012,

Thanks for reporting this bug!

  1. Are you facing this issue randomly or every time you login?
  2. Are you still facing this issue?
  3. Next time you encounter this error, kindly check the DevTools console and report here for any relevant errors.

I also believe this might be caused by the Github downtime which happened earlier today, nevertheless I will still be monitoring the logs by outputting it to a file so that I can inspect it.

Have a great day!


It’s fixed now. And wow - the github profile image is the favicon :slight_smile:

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@anon69241012 there was in fact some issues with github and its API this morning

Yeah. It was my first time so I took a peek around and it looks pretty good - and @khalby786

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thanks for the feedback!

that little menu will host our options when it comes to it

Also, how about adding a Netlify or repl.it edition if possible because it takes a long time to load.

we’ll consider it!

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I’m looking at Heroku right now…

I have now included instructions on remixing GlitchyPastePen in the original post of this thread/README.

Hey everyone,

As part of the friendly competition with @code-alt’s Blockly editor, I’ve updated GPP’s UI including a new theme for the editor. I’ve also added small new features, like a working DevTools for your browser (it works only in Chrome unfortunately), option to copy your code and show the live page in a new tab. And I’m loving SweetAlert2.

Do check it out and make sure to give me feedback, especially on stuff I can improve and how I could improve it.

What do you say about an “Export to GitHub” option? :wink: