Moderators, could you clean up topics about the following:

Topics about

  1. Reports that projects which relied on pinging services are now down
  2. Node modules being reinstalled repeatedly done: Package reinstalls, Stuck projects and No terminal thanks!

Several have opened today and have run their course, all approximately to the same effect.

Moderators, I’m calling on you to clean these up, so that visitors can see a variety of postings with less scrolling in between.



Censoring be like:

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the domain removal posts need removing aswell

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Yes, I’m gonna send @glitch_support a detailed email on which all threads to merge/close because we have SOOOO MANY threads on 403 requests.

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How about removing the cause of these problems instead of the topics? I am kinda on the edge already with all what is going on lately and can understand those threads and they should be there as kind of demonstration that this thing right now going on is not what we thought Glitch would become. It is going downhill really fast lately and for the last 3 months at least it has only gotten worse instead of better


According to their blog post about these events, they are fixing these issues and temporarily blocking pinging services is a part of it. Let’s hope for the best!


And Glitch has merged all the threads, less threads to read.

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After the ping service Block. there has been some problems …