Project doesn't load on phone

Hi guys, today I’ve tried to see how my project works on phone but suddenly it doesn’t load. I saw some posts about the same problem but I want to ask if there is a fix about aside from contacting my provider and talking about the problem. Recently I’m taking my project seriously and seeing that doesn’t load on phone makes me sad :joy:

Thanks in advance.

Hi @francescomesianodev!

I’m sorry that you can’t get your project to load on your phone now. We haven’t been able to get this issue resolved with the EU ISPs that block us. I know it’s frustrating to contact your internet service provider, but that is the best advice that we can offer at this time.

Please don’t be too sad! We wish you the best of luck with your project!


Thanks @tasha, I will try to contact my internet provider and talk about this hoping that they will solve the problem someday. In the meantime the glitch websites are accessible by changing my dns on phone but this happens rarely to me, some times works and sometimes nope. Thanks again for your response, cheers.