So basically, while I was working on the project.
I accidentally pasted an image I had copied, and it started creating it into a .svg. and then changed the entire file to a different content.
Pressing Ctrl-Z didn’t work
any way to revert this?
So basically, while I was working on the project.
I accidentally pasted an image I had copied, and it started creating it into a .svg. and then changed the entire file to a different content.
Pressing Ctrl-Z didn’t work
any way to revert this?
I’ve just figured out I could rewind in the editor.
Thats how I got it back. Sorry for this
Just for your information, the raw data you’ve seen after pasting the image
{"name":"drag-in-files.svg","date":"2016-10-22T16:17:49.954Z","url":"","type":"image/svg","size":7646,"imageWidth":276,"imageHeight":276,"thumbnail":"","thumbnailWidth":276,"thumbnailHeight":276,"dominantColor":"rgb(102, 153, 205)","uuid":"adSBq97hhhpFNUna"}
is describing the JSON data of Assets folder, not “svg content” because it doesn’t replace the content.
You could’ve just clicked another file and clicked the file you’ve been working on back and it will show again - while you can find and delete the image in the assets folder.