i’ve been making candles for fun for years and the other day i saw some youtube tutorials that had all the math wrong for how much oil to mix in wax and it stressed me out - it wastes materials and it can be dangerous! so i made https://candlemath.glitch.me so folks can calculate it without having to do the math.
i shared that and folks started asking what fragrance oils i like and i really have only been documenting my candle stuff on my blog and figured i should probably log what oils, wax and tools i get and review them. so…today i made https://candlemakinginventory.glitch.me.
then i made a playlist because i’ll probably make more apps about candles Glitch: The friendly community where everyone builds the web. maybe you don’t make candles but you want a calendar app or sortable table generated from json and don’t know where to start!
been a couple weeks since i dropped by in here, how you’s all doing?
geocities was how a lot of us getting into the internet in the late 90s/early 2000s built and hosted websites. it’s one of the inspirations for glitch, actually. you could host your site for free and they had an editor in the browser and various community features which were really fun. when people talk about the “old web aesthetic” they’re often talking about sites on geocities.