We're Updating Glitch Search - Community Feedback+Suggestions

  • I personally don’t have a sense of what’s out there even to search. my personal use of Glitch is full of little experiments and works in progress and low-effort things that would be hard for anyone else to comprehend. explicit sharing of Glitch projects in a ‘good’ state already takes place on other venues, and I think we already search those proficiently.
  • if people use Glitch like I do, then they don’t set up a meaningful project name. they might not even enter a project description. we’ve had a glimpse of what it’s like to take a sample of what’s (vaguely) active on Glitch: A look at the projects on one server. that’s just projects that people have bothered to visit, and it’s already full of “A simple Node app built on Express, instantly up and running,” and “This project is a base for importing git repos – if this is your project you can update the description to tell people what it does!” and “A faithful project that does genial things.” if search is going to include all projects, running or not, that’s probably going to be a lot of projects with no meaningful descriptions.
  • even if things are somehow tagged beyond my awareness, I’m afraid of how painful it will be to work through search results. web search these days return sites that load really fast. if I have to look through a list of Glitch project search results that each take ~15 seconds to boot up, I feel like I would give up easily.
  • I feel like a lot of things I might search for is sort of “how do I do X on Glitch,” but then I think about whether a Glitch project is the right kind of thing to answer such a question. an entire web app that I have to nose around in the file tree even to find what to look at? an entire web server where I have to think harder about how to compose the solution with what I’m already building? it’s not exactly the ideal.

looking forward to other people’s feedback. I’ve never really clicked that magnifying glass up there :face_with_hand_over_mouth: