Fallback Node Version Update

Hey folks it’s been a minute, but i’m here with the next stage in our container updates. This one’s not all that exciting on the surface, but it will enable us to finish deprecating Node versions < 12 as we planned to do many moons ago.

This Thursday (that’s tomorrow) we plan to deploy a change to the project container that updates the “fallback” Node version (the one you get when you don’t specify a Node version in engines in your package.json) from Node 10 to Node 12.

As I mentioned this sounds pretty unexciting; it lays further groundwork for the next steps of container modernization. In addition it makes a few other minor changes

  • git in the project terminal has been upgraded from v2.7.4 to v2.45.2
  • go has been updated from v1.11.2 to v1.22.1
  • the Rust environment has been updated from v1.74 to v1.79
  • the Fastly CLI toolset has been updated from v1.3.0 to v10.8.9

Separately, but to be released in tandem

  • the “dot” versions for Node 14 and Node 16 have been updated to their latest releases

We anticipate all projects will be running on the new container by the end of the week.

The next step in this process is a much larger change to the container, and we’ll be looking for community testers to help us verify the change in the coming weeks: stay tuned!


*** UPDATE 2024-06-27 ***

Rescheduled for Tuesday, 2024-07-02.

*** UPDATE 2024-07-02 ***
Rescheduled once more for 2024-07-09.

*** UPDATE 2024-07-09 ***
Rescheduled once more for 2024-07-16.

*** UPDATE 2024-07-16 ***
Rescheduled once more for 2024-07-18.

*** UPDATE 2024-07-18 ***
Today’s attempt unsuccessful; we’ll reschedule when we have more information.


First: LETS GOOOOOOOO CONTAINER UPDATE!!! :tada: :tada: :tada:

Second: Very exciting to see this roll out, I’m wondering if the Fastly CLI update will break any of the Fastly integrations or starters?


oh my god that means native fetch

behind an experimental flag though :person_shrugging:


@keithk I am wondering that too :rofl: so will be keeping a close eye on what happens lol but I don’t think we use any commands that shouldn’t work in the more recent version… :crossed_fingers:


LOL I don’t use Node so all of this that everyone is going crazy about and I’m just here like… uh… okay.

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you should check it out. bun is also great but not natively supported, you need to use wh0’s bun template.


Hey y’all we’ve decided to move this update to next Tuesday, 2024-07-02 because we hadn’t scheduled a maintenance window and we wanted to make sure to do so in case this update does lead to some instability - slow project start times or projects failing to start.

We’re sorry for the delay but want to communicate these changes widely and responsibly.



Hey folks I’ve another postponement to announce; we have an opportunity to make this transition smoother across the board and that’s worth taking some extra time for.

We’ve rescheduled this change for next Tuesday; 2024-07-09 to give ourselves time to improve our process a bit to keep Glitch running better during this and future transitions. Thanks for your understanding!



Hi y’all I’m back with another update. We’re still working through some of the last details on this change, and have had to focus on some undesirable platform activity instead, so we’re going to delay this another week. Our apologies for the continuing delays and thanks once agan for your patience. We appreciate you!

We’re looking at 2024-07-16 instead.



Hey there folks!

We’re still working on the last bits of this change and that combined with some unrelated external factors mean that we’re going to delay this update once again. That said, we’re not pushing it back an entire week - we’re rescheduling for Thursday, 2024-07-18.

See you then!


hey folks we’re moving forward with this update today.

Scheduling a maintenance window for it was always a bit of a calendar hack - this will be a gradual (and we expect un-fraught) change that we’ll start this afternoon. It will likely be complete sometime tomorrow.

That said, we’ve re-scheduled a maintenance window to reflect this work; sorry for the late StatusPage update!


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Will this affect my programming? I’m currently programming a project

your project might restart when you’re not expecting it to and as it gets migrated to a fresh host it might take slightly longer to reconnect, but in general the editor should handle things switching behind the scenes. You can keep watching this thread and our status page for more info if things do end up causing significant instability.


thank you Glitch for the maintainence, now i’m unable to host my site and all the servers with it. The worse part is I can’t even download the source code now.
but atleast it’s a “upgrade”, no matter how worse this sounds…

I think this is while they do the maintenance. Everything will probably go back to normal once they are done.

hey folks, we’re aware of the instability and are in the process of rolling back some of what just went out so that we can get things back to operational. This is indeed why we scheduled the maintenance period, even though it wasn’t the outcome we were hoping for. We’re working to assess what happened so we can try again with a less disruptive switch. We’ll try to provide more info once we’ve actually got things back to normal, but that’s our main priority right now.

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Hey all thanks for your patience and sorry for the more-than-expected chaos. In retrospect I’m glad of the “calendar hack” and will strive for it to be less … hack-y next time around.

It turns out the container image we rolled out wasn’t digestible by our orchestration system so we had trouble starting projects, although currently running projects remained mostly unaffected. We’re still determining where the mismatch is; our apologies for the disruption.

I’m hopeful we’ll sort out what went wrong relatively soon; we will most likely attempt the rollout again next week - further updates as events warrant.

Yours in optimism;

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someone help me; because of this new update, there’s more lag in the servers i’m using and hosting :sob::sob::sob:


As said by @cori, they did not release the new update. As they mentioned in their post, there was some issues with the update so they rolled it back and will do it sometime next week.

No changes have been made to Glitch, so the servers hosted on Glitch should not be affected by the attempted update as nothing ended up changing.


y’all find any hints on what went wrong?