Glitch for Kids :eyes:

But really, there’s a solution:

Yes yes, There are laws to allow kids on website. They must of the premisson of the parent and use the email of parent.

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I search you profile and found you making glitch for kids, so this feature of glitch does not need to make.

@glitch_support please close this thread.

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if glitch started age verification, we’ll all have problems because we might have to put our age in.

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Why the support of glitch close this thread?

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Well, the idea has really already been done- so there isn’t much point asking glitch for it without violating COPPA

Actually… uh… you CAN collect data from kid under 13 if it is for their safety.
This means we can collect email addresses, email addresses, and at last, email addresses!
(yee that’s all we can collect – but it’s optional tho)

Yes this is the true, but the email must be of the parent .

Not necesarily… if the parent keeps checking the kid’s email often.

So I’ve been reading this thread and wanted to explain why Glitch doesn’t market to the <13 demographic.

I’m sure quite a few of you are familiar with scratch, a blocky coding platform that does target the <13 demographic. What you will notice if you have ever been to scratch is you will see really only see <13 users and not see many 13 and beyond users.

Glitch has quite a diverse age range, from my knowledge a lot of users are >13. If Glitch decided to start targeting the <13 audience, they would possibly loose a ton of customers.

Anyway, thats just my two cents.


Yes I very much agree. The glitch is targeting for the 13 of up age.

Though we must admit the drawings on the home-page are pretty <13 appropriate. You’re right about losing customers since a lot of older people use glitch


I am not really sure how that would affect glitch’s population other than increasing it.
Scratch also has many people 13> that code projects there.

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There’s another problem with having users <13. They are kids, and they might always not be serious about stuff, proper usage and everything and Glitch might have a headache managing emails about someone stealing someone’s code and all those problems.


It’s not just copyright issues, Glitch becomes more like Scratch, and no offense, the forum will be like Discord.


there could be a rule that you must be over 13 to make a forum account, but ok

They would also have to tweak tracking & anayltics scripts to not load. I heard if you say you’re underage on roblox they’ll give you no ads but censor your chat

That’s actually more problems there, if Glitch starts allowing <13, and imagine that a huge number of users of that age group use Glitch or the forum, there’s going to be a need for real verification (which can be a huge headache) and it’s really easy to fool the system otherwise.

Even now, we can’t be sure if a user is <13, so imagine if Glitch starts allowing kids.

This is not actually a bump, it’s a valid and relevant discussion on Glitch allowing <13, there’s no off-topic, unless the staff decides otherwise to close this topic.:joy: