Twilio Programmable Chat : Quickstart

Project URL:!/twilio-chat-qs?

This is Twilio Programmable Chat application and you can use to start building chat applications either standalone or within existing software. In the readme, I talk about the components that are required to create an application with explaination on both frontend and backend components.

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Looks good, and the components section of the readme is really thorough, which will no doubt be useful to others.

I couldn’t get the example app to work, presumably because there are no credentials. I’d suggest re-instating the .env file into the project so that you have a secure place to include the credentials, and people remixing your project can also use it to store their values too, rather than in config.js.

Hey @Gareth . Thanks for the feedback .

Yes the app wouldnt work unless the API Keys are provided, which until your feedback was only in config.js and I had left them empty intentionally. I did not know .env file would not be copied :slight_smile:

Now I have added the .env file, and you can run the app without having to put the credentials .

Let me know if it works for you now.